The concept for Monte Alegre has been completely revised by the architect Eduardo Canals Peres and the new ‘Proyecto de Actuación’ for an ecological camping resort has been submitted to the city of Alcaucín. Information will be available shortly.
Historical Info till 2020:
Welcome to MONTE ALEGRE – The place to be
Holistic Development – Body and Mind, Permaculture, Creativity and advanced Technologies
A vision becomes life – and you can be part of it
Our Vision
» We create a free, peaceful hub for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, culture or religion in an energetically ideal place
» An alternative, generation-spanning model in which we can learn from and with each other and be creative together – holistic, innovative, sustainable and altruistic
» Monte Alegre gives an impulse for a responsible, social, ecological and technological development in Andalusia
» We aim for a harmonic balance between economic aspects, ideals and spiritual goals
Living in nature
» Ecological space and accommodation for activities and projects for 60 to ca. 120 people
» Sense gardens and natural parcs for young and old
» Cultivation of fruits, vegetables, herbals and healing plants from around the world
» Ponds and natural spaces
Ecological awareness
» The architectural arrangement is integrated in its natural environment and rural conditions
» Biological and permacultural agriculture
» Monte Alegre relies on recycling and pursues a closed, natural circulation:
- » Sustainable energy
- » Innovative and altruistic

Reinhard Kreckel, C/ El Toril 18, 29711 Alcaucín
Buenos dias!
Durante la época de la Covid-19, en nombre de una institución educativa alemana, dirigí un programa de formación agrícola sobre agricultura regenerativa con métodos de permacultura en dos parcelas adyacentes. El primer día del seminario coincidió con un confinamiento y se me asignó la responsabilidad de organizar refugio, alojamiento y un espacio de aprendizaje agrícola indefinido, a pesar de las inclemencias del tiempo y el calor, para los estudiantes participantes. Construimos estructuras sencillas pero sostenibles para la agricultura sin necesidad de cimientos.
Se ofrece compensación por adaptaciones a propiedad privada que pudiera haber causado daños y pérdidas a un hombre o mujer vivo en la zona de (rio Seco, poligono I, parcela 536, 535), evidencias demostrables y si en 30 días a partir de (date here) no se presenta nadie, se entenderá que no hubo daño ni pérdida ocasionada a nadie.
Alcaucin, 25.7.2024
Saludos cordiales,
Reinhard Kreckel, tel y whatsapp 624 607810 o
Voluntary, Work-Away, Internships – in Permaculture, Project Management and PR / Marketing > We are looking forward to you! “Please message or call us for information” 0049 151 41479643
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Marina di Ragusa: Il maestro indiano Nayeem per la prima volta in Sicilia – Video Mediterraneo
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